Wednesday, December 26, 2007

40 Jews Make Secret Aliyah from Iran

Did you see this article on Arutz 7?

40 Jews Make Secret Aliyah from Iran

16 Tevet 5768, 25 December 07 08:02 (

Forty Jews made Aliyah to Israel from Iran Tuesday. This is the largest single group of Iranian Jewish immigrants ever brought to Israel by the Jewish Agency.

Each immigrant will receive a $10,000 gift from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, as well as the benefits provided by the Immigrant Absorption ministry. All in all, in 2007 the Jewish agency has brought about 200 Iranian immigrants into Israel, three times more than in several recent years.

Some of the details regarding the way the Jews were brought to Israel cannot be revealed. The Jerusalem Post hinted that they were brought to Israel via a third country. © Copyright


I read this article and my reaction was:

“What mesirat nefesh these brothers needed to go through to make Aliyah!”

“All I needed to do was make sure my US Passport was up to date, go to the Israel Aliyah Office, receive my free ticket, go to the airport, get Glatt Kosher meals, sit sort of comfortably for about 10 hours, meet Boris at the Absorption Ministry and Mazal Tov, I was an Israeli Citizen.”

Brothers and sisters reading this: YOU don’t need to sneak out of your country to come home to the Land that G-D gave to our Father Abraham as an inheritance. WHAT IS HOLDING YOU UP?

Write to me at I’ll put you in touch with some folks who can assist in your returning home.

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